Theme Features

Color Schemes

Color Scheme matching your branding

Template comes with five color themes (Blue, Orange, Green, Red and Grey). All you need to do is to use relevant CSS file.

There is no color scheme that matches your branding? No problem. You can easily compile your own by changing one variable - thanks to LESS!



This template is build taking the advantage of LESS. It makes easier to build your own color schemes.

We are also using lesshat mixins which makes development even more easier. Please check for more information


Fully Responsive

It looks great on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones - mPurpose template was built to shine on all devices :)

You can be sure that all the components are responsive.


Additional Icons - Flags

Template comes with 247 flag icons representing most countries in the world

Additional Icons - Social Icons

Custom Buttons

It's worth mentioning that theme comes with some custom buttons - feel free to use them:

Note that standard Twitter Bootstrap button (CSS class .btn) will look a bit different - they will match the color scheme


Ribbons for Pricing Table

mPurpose template comes with one more nice feature - pricing table ribbons!

Place the following code before pricing plan title with relevant CSS class to use them:

Example CSS Class